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LogoMaster LLC


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Natural Earth Garden Designs has been creating custom landscape designs since 2001. We specialize in Full Landscape Designs, Stone Hardscapes, and Water Features. Our passion is designing with stone, adding the element of water for balance and tranquility. We view each project as a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a beautiful garden sanctuary. All of our designs are organic in both style and materials, working with the earth to create balance and flow. We handle every step of the project from the design, thru the construction, to the planting, as well as maintaining our designs.

MDI Landscape Design, Hardscapes & Gardens

Natural Earth Garden Designs incorporates Hardscapes stone walkways and water gardens that accent many of the natural rock formations and stone walls


Natural Earth Garden Designs

Is a full-service garden design and hardscapes company for MDI, Mount Desert Island, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor, Bar Harbor, including driveways, stonewalls, gardens, and hardscapes and water gardens.

We Specialize in Hardscapes and Stonework for waterfront properties

Year Round Maintenance and Property Management, Driveways,
Stone walls, Pruning, Planting, Gardening, Landscape Services.

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We Care Lanscaping Services Maine

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NaturalEarthGardenDesigns.com © 2024
We Specialize in Stone walls, garden pools, hardscapes, driveways and Landscape
(207) 664-0933


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